Hi everyone!

I’m sure some of you have been wondering where I’ve been! Well, in October 2022, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and I have been pushing through that complicated process ever since. It’s been a long and arduous journey, and unfortunately, due to complications, I’m not out of the woods yet. Because of this, I have been unable to work for the past year and a half.

At the moment, I can’t say exactly when I’ll be back to work and able to lift my camera, but I’m hoping it will be soon! I now need just one more surgery, and after I heal from that I’ll announce when I resume taking outstanding headshots as well as badass band/show photography!

If you’d like to be notified of my glorious return, enter your email below, or follow my Instagram page at @vanbriannephoto.

Thank you for visiting my website, and be sure to check back soon for an update! I look forward to taking your “WOW” shot, and perhaps I’ll even offer a “kicking cancers ass discount” to my first couple clients! 😉

– Brianne

About Van Brianne Photo - Los Angeles Photographer

I started a YouTube channel after my diagnosis to help educate others by sharing my thorough research and personal journey COMPLETELY UNCENSORED so that they might gain a much better understanding of the breast cancer process (or one form of it, as we’re all unique). And at the very least I might perhaps ease other women’s anxiety as to what they might look and feel like through each step, as well as encouraging them to advocate for themselves!

Everyone is welcome, even encouraged to view my content (be aware that a lot of it is graphic). But I believe that we shouldn’t have to hide or be ashamed of how this disease ravages our bodies. Knowledge is indeed power, so I’m stepping into the light.